Sunday, December 8, 2013

A Successful New York Thanksgiving

We had visitors this Thanksgiving!  My parents drove north and my brother flew east so we could have a "big" family holiday together.  Outside of T-Day, Randy and I went to work and my family played with our baby.  Good times all around!  We also benefited from their culinary skills and their car.  When you've lived without a vehicle for six years, taking a car to the grocery store becomes the best thing ever.

If you come all the way to NYC for Thanksgiving, it's pretty much a requirement to go to the Macy's Parade.  We came *this close* to not going but made a game-time decision to go the morning of.  We were glad we did!  Besides shivering off holiday calories, we spotted a few famous people on floats.

Well, three of us made it anyway.  Two men and a baby stayed behind to cook a turkey. 

Hardly amateurs, we showed up with hand warmers and hot drinks.

Are these two the parents or the grandparents?  So young and fit looking! 

 Pre-dinner entertainment.  Some families watch football.  We have a wonder wheel.

 Tiger Cub looks up to his Uncle Matt.

And...this is my 100th post to this blog!!!  So I'm averaging 20 posts/year for the past 5 years.  Thanks for reading!

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