Sunday, September 30, 2012


September = A great month for visiting Florida.

We spent last week with my parents and brother in Destin.  The weather was perfect every single day and since it was the tail end of the summer and school is back in, the crowds were very light.  There was hardly any competition for beach space, pool time, or restaurant seating.  And did I mention the weather was p-e-r-f-e-c-t?

Randy enjoying paradise.

We're simple people with simple pleasures.  So we spent the entire week swimming in clear water and stuffing our faces full of shrimp, fish, and dessert.

My dinner one night:  grilled shrimp!

One morning we went boating on the bay and saw lots of dolphins.  One group of dolphins came so close to our boat that we could hear them blowing air when the came out of the water.  It was like SeaWorld!

Matt at the helm.

We anchored at a sand bar where the water is only a few feet deep for a swim.  Although it wasn't much of a  "swim" in such shallow water.

Parents wading in the bay.

All five of us tried our hand at paddleboarding.  It's harder than it looks fighting against the ocean currents.  My super-fit parents were pretty good at it.

It's hard to beat that clear Destin water!

And a real life mostly-color-coordinated somewhat-posed family picture by Randy Photography.

All cleaned up and showing our good side.

I'm going off the deep end here with a swimsuit picture and my belly hanging out.  Pregnancy is sure making me immodest.  The bump really feels bigger than this picture shows.

18.5 weeks

Ahh, here's a better side view that does it justice.  Strangers are just starting to notice.

19 weeks

Friday, September 14, 2012

I Hate Cooking

1.  It's Not My Fault

I’ve never hidden my hatred for cooking.  I come from a long line of non-cooks.  I dislike cooking, my mom dislikes cooking, and I’m pretty sure her mom did too.  My most vivid memory of my grandmother’s cooking is a fragrant beef dish that tasted strongly of vinegar.  I'm amused that she was ever attracted to this recipe and, furthermore, that she made it more than once.  I know my other relatives MUST remember this infamous dish.   

The best cook in my family is actually my dad but for some reason his talent went undiscovered until long after I left home for college.  His mother was a pretty good cook but everything she made had a distinct Eastern European flair so I have no idea if she could make anything normal like lasagna. 

Randy’s mother is a rockstar in the kitchen and he was in for a rude awakening when he married me.  I tried cooking steak for his birthday, 21 days after our wedding, burned it in the oven, and set off the fire alarm.   I never tried again.

Thanksgiving with Randy's family, none of it made by me.

2.  I Have No Patience


To give you an idea of how lazy of a cook I am, I try to limit my meals to 10 minutes and 3 ingredients.  Because when I come home at 7:30 I want to eat NOW.  My go-to meal is spaghetti.  When Randy was a pilot and gone several nights a week, I would eat spaghetti more frequently than I want to admit.  It takes 10 minutes, has 3 ingredients (if you add meat) and I NEVER get sick of pasta sauce.  With a side of broccoli, it’s perfectly well balanced in my opinion.

I guess I'm more of an eat-to-live than a live-to-eat person.  I'm generally annoyed when (yet another) mealtime pops up because it means I have to go into the kitchen and figure out what the heck to make.  Again.  

 3.  Why It's Time to Improve

Now that I'm eating for more than just me and I'm out of the first trimester (meaning something besides mac & cheese sounds appetizing), I'm trying to step up my food game.  As in more variety and more veggies. 

I'm also trying to keep in mind that someday I'll have to cook for a family (yikes!).  I'm sure my kids will eat plenty of hotdogs like I did growing up (bless my hard-working parents), but I'd like to have a few decent homemade meals in my repertoire by then.

Since I've been trying to tone down the spaghetti habit to an acceptable frequency, this has become a new go-to meal:  Stir fry over couscous.  The brown things are turkey meatballs.

It's more than three ingredients but the vegetables are frozen and come in bags, meaning really easy, and it satisfies the 10 minute rule.  It's easy to change up by using different meats and vegetables.  I add curry powder for flavor and - this is what really makes it - a huge dollop of tzatziki yogurt sauce (the kind that comes on gyros).  Randy says he's sick of this meal already but I know it's only because he's not using enough tzatziki sauce.   

4.  Baby Steps (appropriately)

My cooking and health goals are to:
  • Try one new recipe a month.  
  • Cook vegetables other than broccoli.
  • Eat more protein (meat and eggs) and drink more water.  For the baby.

Two weeks ago I made a chicken and wild rice casserole.  With a side of broccoli.  Progress!

If you know any nutritious and easy recipes, feel free to direct me to them.  I'm willing to bend the 10 minute rule...IF there will be leftovers.

And now the obligatory preggo pics (for my mom of course)...


17 Weeks

Artistic 16.5 week shot in front of the fountain at Flushing Meadows Park...

Is she pregnant or is she just hitting the beer and pizza a little too hard?  Beer, no.  Pizza, yes.

And finally, a couples shot.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Gender Guessing

First a friendly disclaimer:  You will not actually learn our baby's gender from this post.  For one thing, we don't know ourselves because it's too early.  Secondly, we don't want to know anyway.  But there's no harm in a little fun!

There are plenty of myths and superstitions out there about figuring out the gender of your baby.   I guess this is what women did before the high resolution ultrasounds.  These are from old wives tales and not at all scientific (in case you thought they might be).

Note: The website I got these from advises against buying baby clothes based on these results.  So we'll still be sticking with the yellow/green theme to be safe.

Myth #1:  Heartrate
This is a very popular myth, although it’s been disproven.  If the baby’s heart beats faster than 140 beats per minute, it’s a girl.  At the latest measurement, Little Munchkin’s heart was beating at a  rapid 170 bpm.  Must be a GIRL!

Myth #2:  Cravings
If the mother is craving sweets, it’s a boy.  If she’s craving sour foods, it’s a girl.  Shoot, I’m not craving either of these things.  What about pizza?  Inconclusive.

Myth #3:  Morning Sickness
If you have severe morning sickness, it’s a girl.  I'm a lucky lady without any morning sickness so baby is likely a BOY.

Myth #4:  The Wedding Ring Swing
Suspend your wedding ring over your belly.  If it swings back and forth, it's a boy.  If it swings in a circle, it's a girl.  I know this sounds ridiculous, but for the sake of entertainment, I did this with both of our wedding rings and it swung in a definite circle both times.  A GIRL, for sure.

Myth #5:  Chinese Lunar Calendar
Some guy in a tomb came up with this chart 700 year ago.  I don't know why this dude was hanging out in a tomb or why he felt this was a good use of his time.  I'm sure it's totally bogus, but...since I just suspended a wedding ring hanging by a thread over my belly...the lunar calendar says we’re having a GIRL.

There you go, folks.  With a score of 3-1-1, obviously Little Munchkin is a GIRL.

**In case you missed it the first time, it is not advisable to buy baby clothes or decorate a nursery based on these results.**

The test I did not try: 
Mix your urine with Drano and base the gender off of what color it turns.  This just sounds expensive and silly.  And since when should a pregnant woman be sniffing Drano fumes?!'s a 15 week bump picture.

Originally, I had in mind that I would take all my photos with the same outfit on.  But that was before I knew how unflattering these pants would become.  On to more structured clothing for future bump pics!