Saturday, July 14, 2018

Spring 2018

Spring 2018 was heavily booked and under-rested! We got used to our new addition while carting the other two around to school and various activities.

Tiger Cub played his first season of baseball. It was his first team sport. He had fun but I was...exhausted. I think it was too many late games with three kids at a ball field after bedtime and Randy at work. I hope we can build up our stamina for sports activities! We did very much approve of his team colors!

Meanwhile, Small Bear was quite content to go jump off the bleachers and run around with other 2 year olds.

He also finished a successful year of pre-k and is now on to kindergarten!

We now qualify for the largest cart Target has to offer. It pushes well enough but steers like an ocean liner.

Since I last blogged, Little Lady has turned 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 months old! (And she's knocking on the door of 6 months.)

The boys are getting along with their baby sister. She smiles and laughs at them all the time.

We planted some flowers and are currently struggling to keep them all alive through these hot months.

Easter was lovely. Easter baskets, church, and an egg hunt made for a very full morning!

Tiger Cub wrapped up a fun year of church choir. The robes are the best!

And finally...the R family came to visit us for Memorial Day weekend. There are six cousins ages 6 and under and it's always great fun to get them together!