Monday, November 5, 2018

This One's For The Girls

I know this blog has been all kid and travel pics for the past 10 years, but things have gone loco in the world lately and it's stirred up some thoughts in my head. I’m surely not the only one who reads the headlines and regularly thinks, “what is even happening right now???”

So I never thought I’d say this but…I’ve been binging on politics. I’ve been watching interviews and debates, reading articles across multiple sources, and listening to podcasts with a particular focus on the elections in Georgia. I’m all in or all out and I’ve been out for too long.

I try to refrain from bringing up politics as a matter of etiquette. However, we've collectively gone so far down the crazy slide by now that I’m not even sure what the rules are anymore.

So here’s who I’m pulling for this election: two women who are running for the top offices in Georgia and whose talent and ambition should not be overlooked. 

I believe it's been pretty well established that women are generally competent multi-tasking geniuses who know how to get things done and add value and perspective to any organization.

And yet...please brace yourself for this non-surprise…women are underrepresented in many organizations including the government. Women account for 19% of the House and 23% of the Senate. 12% of governors are women. This could change because in the current elections, more women are running than ever before.

Here in Georgia, we have two impressive women running for office: Stacey Abrams for Governor and Sarah Riggs Amico for Lieutenant Governor. They went to Yale Law School and Harvard Business School, respectively. I’ve listened to both speak many times through interviews, speeches, and podcasts. I follow them on Instagram. Actually I’ve read or watched almost everything posted on Instagram by both of these candidates as well as their opponents.

Just my daughter and I hanging at the local Stacey Abrams rally!

I’ve found both Abrams and Amico to be intelligent, well informed, and even humorous. They have clear ideas and strong values. They’re super knowledgeable about policy because they’re nerdy like that and seem to enjoy it. They have motivated and mobilized people all over the state by telling them their participation is important and their voices can be heard through voting. They are giving hope to groups who have previously felt hopeless.

Basically, the Abrams/Amico team has hung the moon and then some, which is sadly necessary for women to have a chance against Republican men (neither of whom, by the way, are incumbents). Even with many factors working against them, I understand that both races are a statistical tie going into election day.

Perhaps what appeals to me most is that I see from Abrams and Amico compassion and concern for all people, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, or immigration status.

For the first time this year I have emailed a representative, donated to a political cause I believe in, and put up a political sign in my yard. These are baby steps for sure and other women have marched, organized and participated in campaigns, and become activists. I hope what we're seeing with women involvement and women candidates is only the beginning. 

In this election, I am voting for inclusion and acceptance of all people. I am voting for diverse representation and new voices. I am voting for healthcare, the environment, gun control, and public schools. On my ballot and in my opinion, these things are most championed by Democratic women. 

All this is to say that voting is your voice so make sure you use it. GO VOTE!


  1. Well said! And I agree with everything you've written. I walked outside today and there was a young man, standing across the street from your house, filming a video of our street with his phone and talking loud enough I could hear him. He was saying - I found out later for his blog - that he was surprised and thrilled at the 'blue wave' down our street and throughout our neighborhood, evident from all our yard signs. I introduced myself and we spoke for several minutes. He said he was excited to vote for Stacey Abrams in this election and mentioned he had several friends who didn't vote in the Presidential election because they didn't like either candidate. Instead they chose to stay home. But every one of them have already voted in this midterm election. He referred to the midterms as a Moral Election. He felt the Democratic candidates are the more moral candidates running. As you said for all Georgians, regardless of race, color, religion or sexual orientation. I too voted for both women, but I also voted for Chuck Enderlin for Congress and John Barrow for Secretary of State. Two worthy candidates!

    1. Did that happen around 3 pm? I think I saw him! That is super interesting. I completely agree it's a "moral election" and that a roaring economy (while good!) isn't the whole story. I heard Chuck Enderlin speak recently and was very impressed. He got my vote too!

  2. Yes, it was around 3:00. Interesting guy. I too heard Chuck Enderlin speak, along with John Barrow. Both seem to have all Georgians in mind! They both got my vote. (Not sure why my comment came up as Unknown?) ~ Deb Pitts
