Thursday, April 25, 2013

It's National Infertility Awareness Week

Before this little mister was born in 2013...

...We started trying to have a baby in 2011.

As the months dragged on we eventually had to see a fertility specialist and learned that I have hypothalamic amenorrhea.  This is the hard-to-pronounce way of saying the brain doesn't send the right signals to the ovaries to produce follicles, an egg never ovulates, and there is never a chance to become pregnant.  Or something like that.

The common causes for this are overexercising and/or undereating.  But it seems that for some of us just being "on the thin side" can be enough to keep things from working properly.  As soon as I found out there is an exercise/body fat connection though, I quit running and gained 13 pounds.  Anything for the cause!

I am very lucky for two reasons.  First, this is a very treatable form of infertility.  Second, I responded beautifully to medications when I did start taking them.  We never had to pull out the "big guns" like hormone injections or IVF.  Oral medications were enough to coax my sorry reproductive system into actually doing something.  And it only took three months to get pregnant once I started taking the meds.  In the world of infertility, this is really awesome.

Unfortunately 1 out of 8 couples is diagnosed with infertility.  So chances are you know one.  And if you know you know one, you should give them a hug.

I know many others will not get results as quickly as we did.  But on this week of infertility awareness, here's to wishing everyone their much-deserved happy ending.


  1. A lovely message to those who struggle with infertility. I know you are grateful but thinking of all the couples still in the hunt. Hugs to them.

  2. Congratulations on your success!

  3. I have numerous friends who are in the middle of this journey, knowing their preferred destination, but not knowing if they'll get there or if another destination will reveal itself along the way. Grateful to YOU for sharing your and Randy's story, so that they know they are not alone and (perhaps more importantly) that you haven't forgotten them. :) Much love, your long lost friend, Cheryl

    1. Hi Cheryl! Much love and encouragement to your friends. Infertility is a frightening and unexpected place to find yourself. And it's so hard not knowing what the outcome will be. I know they are fortunate to know a wonderful and understanding person like you!
