Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Final Countdown

We're two weeks out and hanging in there.  I'm pretty comfortable still and happy to have a little more time to get things done.  I keep wondering if it will be the last time I {go to Starbucks/do the laundry/dust the living room} before the baby is born.

My biggest grievance is that it's a royal pain in the backside (literally) to turn from side to side in bed.  Sometimes when I have to get up in the middle of the night, I lay there for an extra 10 minutes because I know what a monumental task it's going to be just to roll over and sit up.  Yes, really.

9 out of 10 casual observers tell me this torpedo belly has a boy inside.  Time will tell!

 38 Weeks!

You know (hope?) the end is in sight when the maternity tops start getting a little snug.

Randy has maintained his svelte athletic figure throughout the pregnancy.  I know what you're thinking and the answer is "No, I don't weight more than him now."  Geez.

We continue to check things off of our pre-baby to-do list:

1.  Pack

This has baby and me covered, plus a few survival items for whoever needs them the most.  Randy continues to make no progress in this area, but if he takes nothing other than the clothes he's wearing, he'll probably be just fine.  I do have his toothbrush.

Those internet lists that say you need to bring two nightgowns, a bathrobe, boppy pillow, breast pump, and a laptop are obviously not written with the NYC crowd in mind.  That's for people who own garages and trunk space.  Not for someone who's making a mad dash down from the fourth floor to meet a car waiting in the middle of the road.

2.  Practice Run to the Hospital

We called a car service for our practice trip to the hospital and it went beautifully.  I felt better when the driver told us he has taken "many, many women" in labor to the hospital.  Whew, I won't be the first!  Still hoping it's not rush hour or raining or snowing because that's when things get hairy in New York City.  The middle of the night could work out nicely.

3.  Nesting

Baby clothes and accessories washed.  Apartment sort of in order and reasonably clean. 

And here's evidence that Randy has a nesting instinct too...

Homemade chicken pot pie!  Made while I napped on the couch.

Randy's favorite new saying is, "I know exactly how you feel," and he thinks this is really funny.  I've been tolerant enough to allow this so far, but I'm telling you now, if he pulls that in the delivery room, security will have to come and unclench my white-knuckled hands from around his throat.  And I mean that in the most loving way possible.


  1. I just stumbled upon this site through Facebook! I'm so glad I did! You guys look great and we look forward to seeing pictures of baby R. We're thinking of you guys and wishing you the best! Looking forward to following this blog!!

    1. Thanks JC, it's good to hear from you! Wishing you guys the very best too!

  2. Holy cow, girl! I didn't even know you were blogging, but this post is awesome! Here are my thoughts. Your belly is PRECIOUS. Your suitcase comment is hilarious because even those of us in rural america don't use all that crap at the hospital. HERE HERE on the rolling over. It is hard to believe such a small thing should be such a huge effort, but MY GOSH I will never forget it. Your comment about the car service gives me heart palpitations...that, too, would stress me out. Tell Randy hi! We love y'all and praying for the big day!

    1. Thanks Tiffany! Just added your blog to my reading list...oh my gosh your girls are adorable. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who considers that over packing! Using a car service is definitely weird and I spent too much time Googling "getting to hospital during labor nyc." Here's to the joys of not owning a car!

  3. You look great Andrea! I love Randy's sense of humor.:)--Melinda

    1. Thanks Melinda! Hope you are doing well. Yep, gotta love that humor!

  4. So excited for you. I woke up this morning and thought, oh no I hope Andrea didn't go into labor in the storm!

    1. I was pretty concerned about that myself, Jan. But no worries, still hanging in there!
