Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Gender Mystery

Now that we've made it past our anatomy scan without finding out the gender, I'm feeling confident that we might actually make it all the way to the end without knowing.  We successfully turned away at all the right times to keep Little Munchkin's gender a secret and keep ourselves in deep suspense.

21 Weeks with Mystery Baby

So why, in this day of coordinating the crib sheets with the wallpaper and having a whole set of monogrammed clothing before the baby is born, would we decide to deny ourselves such valuable information?

1.  More Excitement in the Delivery Room

How often these days does a doctor get to exclaim “It’s a [boy/girl]!” after catching the baby?  Gender reveal seems like a great joy of the profession and it’s been taken away by the ultrasound.  I also had someone tell me she was extra motivated during labor to get the baby out because she was dying to know the gender.  Hard to argue with that!

2.  We're Used to Being Under-Prepared

Living in NYC and Randy working as an airline pilot for the first 5 years of our marriage has resulted in us adopting a fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants lifestyle.  One time we decided to go to Budapest and that very evening we were on a plane over the Atlantic.  I’m sure having a little one will settle us down considerably but why rush things?  We are decently organized but long term planning remains outside of our comfort zone.  It’s best to keep things sudden and unexpected for as long as possible.

Ahhh, the carefree days of our twenties.

3.  Yellow is Swell-O

I have already been informed that our baby will be wearing yellow for the first year of his or her life.  That’s okay because thanks to this place we love yellow.  Also, it really keeps gift-givers on their toes.  Have you ever tried looking for gender neutral baby clothes?  It’s hard!  Only people who really love us will go through that, which may keep our inventory to a manageable NYC-friendly size.  Plus, there are some great looking gender-unspecific goodies here

And if you think it's impossible to find cute stuff in yellow, clearly you haven't been shopping with my mom or my Aunt Jane...

Thanks for the early gifts, folks!

4.  Down on Decorating

We won’t be decorating a nursery because…we don’t have a nursery!  At the risk of blowing a few suburban minds, I will inform you that we live in a one bedroom apartment.  It’s possible we might be moving but we have no firm (or even loose) plans yet.  So for now baby will either be bunking with us or in the living room.  Those are the only two options.

Note:  Decorating is my life’s weakness so I’m actually happy to skip the curtain hanging, room painting part of this whole baby thing.

And now for the most recent pic of the ever expanding bump...

22 Weeks and the belly's first time dressing up.  

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