Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bulls in the Big City

New York City is definitely the last place we ever expected to attend our first rodeo. Our friend Rachael offered us a good time we couldn't refuse - free 3rd row tickets to see the Professional Bull Riders at Madison Square Garden.

The rodeo was enormously entertaining. A non-technical description is that a pissed-off bull bucks and kicks while the cowboy on top holds on for dear life. Once the cowboy gets thrown off, usually in a perilous but amusing manner, the bull calms down considerably and runs back to the corral.

There are lots of cowboys and lots of bulls and they go one after the other. There are plenty of cowboys standing around to make sure things don't get out of control plus one on a horse that got a real kick out of lassoing the most feisty bulls.

It looks like looks like a mean thing to do on the back and neck, but entertaining nevertheless.

Here is a funny video we took. Just for the record, Andrea is NOT the screaming girl in the background.

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