Friday, March 28, 2014

Weekend in Wilmington

In celebration of the landmark event of Randy having a Saturday AND Sunday off together in the same weekend we took a short trip to Wilmington, DE.  We had never been there before but it's the farthest south we can get in roughly two hours.

As true supporters of Delta and Amtrak, this was our first overnight trip out of NYC by car in the 6 1/2 years we've lived here! 
We used to take last minute weekend trips to Budapest and now we take last minute trips to Delaware.  True story.  No less ambitious, however, when this is in the backseat of the rental car:

We spent an afternoon at the local zoo.  Tiger Cub meets a real tiger!

But really, why go anywhere when the hotel room is this much fun?

Per his usual shenanigans, Tiger Cub was not up to the task of eating.  Other than an assortment of snack foods (mostly goldfish and puffs), TC ate exactly this all weekend:  a few bites of pizza, 2 french fries, and a piece of cinnamon roll.  I'm mortified. shop cinnamon roll!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Benjamin is already a seasoned traveler! Junk food always tastes good when you're on the road! (Aunt Jane)
