I can hear much of the country breathing a collective sigh of holy-smokes-that-winter-was-bad-and-i'm-so-glad-its-over. For perspective, I now think 35 degrees is a flippin' awesome day!
Tiger Cub himself found little use for perma-snow. What's with sitting me down in the cold stuff mom?
New York winters are bad news for a kiddo who hates to wear a hat/hood. And don't even think about trying to get mittens on him!
Even pushing our rockstar stroller over mounds of crusty snow is no longer entertaining.
One day the boys were so desperate for recreation outside our living room that this happened...
Yes, that would be the communal laundry room of our building. Thank goodness for floors that slope toward a drain.
small apartment + small child + 16-ish snowstorms = creative (if questionable) parenting
Walking around on a recent warm day (as in a high of like 40 degrees) gave us hope that we will not be confined to our top floor abode forever. Oh spring, you're not a moment too soon.
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