Friday, March 28, 2014

Weekend in Wilmington

In celebration of the landmark event of Randy having a Saturday AND Sunday off together in the same weekend we took a short trip to Wilmington, DE.  We had never been there before but it's the farthest south we can get in roughly two hours.

As true supporters of Delta and Amtrak, this was our first overnight trip out of NYC by car in the 6 1/2 years we've lived here! 
We used to take last minute weekend trips to Budapest and now we take last minute trips to Delaware.  True story.  No less ambitious, however, when this is in the backseat of the rental car:

We spent an afternoon at the local zoo.  Tiger Cub meets a real tiger!

But really, why go anywhere when the hotel room is this much fun?

Per his usual shenanigans, Tiger Cub was not up to the task of eating.  Other than an assortment of snack foods (mostly goldfish and puffs), TC ate exactly this all weekend:  a few bites of pizza, 2 french fries, and a piece of cinnamon roll.  I'm mortified. shop cinnamon roll!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Out with the Snow, in with Flowers, Picnics, and Sunshine Please!

Happy Spring!

I can hear much of the country breathing a collective sigh of holy-smokes-that-winter-was-bad-and-i'm-so-glad-its-over.  For perspective, I now think 35 degrees is a flippin' awesome day!

Tiger Cub himself found little use for perma-snow.  What's with sitting me down in the cold stuff mom?

New York winters are bad news for a kiddo who hates to wear a hat/hood.  And don't even think about trying to get mittens on him!

Even pushing our rockstar stroller over mounds of crusty snow is no longer entertaining.

One day the boys were so desperate for recreation outside our living room that this happened...

Yes, that would be the communal laundry room of our building.  Thank goodness for floors that slope toward a drain.

small apartment + small child + 16-ish snowstorms = creative (if questionable) parenting

Walking around on a recent warm day (as in a high of like 40 degrees) gave us hope that we will not be confined to our top floor abode forever.  Oh spring, you're not a moment too soon.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Tiger Cub Turns One!

Tiger Cub celebrated his first birthday Georgia-style at his Grandma and Grandpa's house.  It was pretty much the best weekend ever and not just because there was impending toddlerhood to celebrate.  In just a few days we saw about 75% of the people we love and care about.  

Happy 1st Birthday to our little man!

We had no theme or consistent color scheme, but lots of Mexican food and cake.

Lots of intensity here from all three of us here.  What's he going to do?  Everybody is watching. Go ahead, touch the cake Tiger Cub!

And he goes for it!

We've been very conservative about giving TC sweets for the past year so this was his first taste of sugar!  Chocolate icing is a great way to start out a sweets career, no?

All cleaned up and ready for more pictures.

  TC powing around with his canine sidekick, Jack.  They're about at the same eye level.

The R side of the family was nice enough to join us from the northern and southern corners of GA in which they reside.  While the grandparents were posing, TC was busy being a little pick-pocket.  Missing any pens Pop Doc?

Gotta love a Georgia winter...Green grass!  No coats!

We were lucky enough to see pops three days in a row!  If you want to know how to jolly up a toddler for picture-taking, check out the goofballs in the mirror.

Thanks to my parents for hosting and both of our families for coming!  Great fun was had by all!