Thursday, June 4, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

Mother's Day 2015 was nothing special but everything great. Here's four reason's it was my favorite Mother's Day yet.

1. Randy and I were both off. Randy is a perpetual weekend worker due to his job and I have worked most weekends since Easter. Being off together and it being Mother's Day was a special treat!

2. Tiger Cub slept until 8 am. What? He must have known. Of course I couldn't sleep until 8, but I completed a valuable task before he woke up and that was wonderful too.

3. We went to church and had this cute but slightly awkward family photo taken (why am I standing so far away?).

4. We had a fabulous brunch together with a very well behaved two-year-old (thank you iPad). We tried a new local restaurant. It was family friendly but also a little on the loud side, had big screen TVs, and served french fries, making it just right for toddler dining.

A fun time!

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