Tuesday, January 15, 2019

2018 Year in Review

2018 was pretty special for being the year we became a family of five. Our daughter was born in January so it's been a whole year of adjusting for us. I feel like adding one more kid tipped the scales into "big family" territory.

If I were to briefly summarize a year of three kids ages 5 and under, I'd say it was physically demanding. With one kid who can't walk or do anything for herself (and she is no lightweight!) and two others who still need a lot done for them...we don't sit down very much. It's all worth it and we made lots of wonderful memories.

They're cute and oh so active!

You can't have too much stroller for this situation (often the blonde one sits on the footrest at the front).

The beauty of this event was not just the baptism but that all five of us made it to church on time and looking this good.

And while I'm showing our good side, this was us on Easter, also known as the one other day in 2018 that we had it together.

Despite how hard it can be for all of us to be in the car for more than 10 minutes, we managed to leave Georgia twice. We took fun trips to Destin and Chattanooga.

I'm still living the Honda Accord life. It might be 16 years old, but she's a healthy 16! When it dies or at least starts limping we're planning to jump on the minivan train. The backseat is very full.

The two little ones do this thing where they both want to be held at the same time and there's no reasoning with them about it.

Here's a picture of the R family cousins in 2018. At Memorial Day we had six kids ages six and under! Number 7 is already on deck for arriving in 2019!

In non-parenting news...

I did a lot of reading this year. I read 17.5 books*, which is a lot for me. By chance, I read a lot of historical fiction and ended up learning more about Albert Einstein, the Underground Railroad, the Nigerian Civil War, and Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution. My favorite book of 2018 was Americanah. The story and writing are great and the racial themes made me think. When I was finished, I read two more books by the same author. Another fictional selection, Almost Sisters, was also wonderful.

Americanah (Ala Notable Books for Adults) by [Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi]

I've got some ideas for 2019 but I'm happy to take any recommendations too!

In 2018 I stepped it up with using reusable grocery bags and produce bags and bringing my own travel coffee cup or fountain drink cup to coffee shops and other casual eating establishments. We regularly turn down straws and water bottles. It may be just drops in the ocean, but I'm a believer that everyone can do something and every little bit counts. In 2019, we're trying to use cloth napkins and I'd like to look into fair trade chocolate and coffee a bit more. 

You were mostly good to us, 2018. Onward ho!

*Fun fact: I read all the books electronically: one on my phone and the rest on a Kindle. They might've all been from the library.