Thursday, December 22, 2016

Fall in NYC

We have big news (for those who haven't heard). But first...fall in NYC.

A visit to the Intrepid!

Tiger Cub's face when we told him his dad is a non-practicing rocket scientist...

Some shuttle or something.

Queens Hall of Science outing.

Neighborhood "pumpkin patch."

When it's hot in October we put on shorts and go to Central Park!

Hey Grandpa!

The giant bubble man.

We were standing very close!

West Village brunching.

Halloween came and Tiger Cub once again refused to dress up. 
Small Bear happily obliged to being a skunk.


A crazy loud one-year-old birthday party for Small Bear.

Tiger Cub came home from school with a Native American costume and life-size turkey pet among other props.

It was a jam-packed fall as we tried to fit in as many New York activities as possible because...we're moving!

To the Atlanta area. In January. It's been a fun almost-decade in NYC but alas our time here is up. Onward ho!

Throwback to our Beach Vacation

These pictures from our September vacation to Destin, FL are way late but must be archived somewhere. Warning: lots of green water ahead! I bring you...

Beach life.

We made one attempt to dress up, go out to dinner, and take some pics on the beach. It went well!


Matching pj's for Small Bear's 10 month birthday.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Life in Queens: Getting Around

The biggest thing we get questioned about regarding living in NYC is getting by without a car (we haven't owned one for the past 9 years). It's un-American for sure but totally doable - and maybe even recommended - in this city.

Within our community, everything that isn't our jobs and can't be outsourced to Amazon is within walking distance: grocery stores, parks, church, Chipotle.

I used Google Maps to get a quick summary of the places we walk to frequently and their distances:

Favorite playground - .2 mi
Closest subway station - .3 mi
Closest Starbucks - .3 mi
Preferred grocery store - .4 mi
Two favorite bakeries - .7 and .9 mi
Church - 1.1 mi

I have a step tracker on my phone and it tells me I walk an average of 4-5 miles per day. And that's without any intentional exercise. New Yorkers own very comfortable shoes! Even when taking public transportation, a considerable amount of walking is unavoidable.

Tiger Cub's school is across the street from our complex, which was a major factor in choosing it. This is how we get there:

Bagels and coffee have become part of our Sunday morning church-going routine. Carb loading seems to be the best way to get us all there on time.

And when we can't walk to it, we ride to it by subway or bus. We're fortunate to have good subway access in our community. 

New York likes to put the "mass" in mass transportation.


INSIDER TIP: New Yorkers looooove to flaunt their knowledge of the subway system. So if you're visiting and confused, just ask someone next to you. You'll immediately get opinions on the best way to your destination from several people within earshot.

Subways are like dishwashers. No matter how full they look, you can always fit more inside.

Seriously though, nobody moves here because it's comfortable.

Despite thousands of subway rides, I continue to maintain a healthy concern for being trapped in a tight space with hundreds of people I've never met. If someone appears a little "off," I do a quick scan of my fellow riders to make sure that collectively we have enough muscle and sense to bring down a situation if necessary.

And you know what I've become very aware of since having kids? NYC is ridiculously unfriendly to anyone with a set of wheels (i.e. wheelchairs, strollers, suitcases).

Because you constantly encounter situations like this:

We're hearty folk! With really strong quads.

And thank goodness for online shopping...

I'm at the point where I don't know how I would live without online shopping. My legs and my timetable gave up a long time ago trying to obtain all my family's needs on foot.

If it's not perishable (and sometimes even if it is) we buy it online. Some of our recent online purchases include diapers, running shoes, Vitamin C, dishwasher liquid, sunscreen, a suitcase, and quinoa. *Amazon is our Target/drugstore/bookstore/occasional grocery store/kids clothing store. As far as I'm concerned it's the best one stop shop EVER. And 2-day shipping? Yesss. Convenience and I can procrastinate.

Our UPS guy probably thinks we are addicted to online shopping and he would be RIGHT.

Randy has a fine tuned sense of hearing where he can pick up a delivery truck pulling up outside our building. And then we ponder whether or not he's coming to our apartment.

* Did you know that you can use the website and donate to a charity of your choice with every purchase?

Friday, September 2, 2016

Awesome August

August was intense, busy, and fun. We had a lot going on and saw a lot of people.

In early August, we visited some Long Island friends and got to enjoy some fun things that us city dwellers are normally deprived of, like grass, swing sets, and grilling out. With eight adults and 7.5 kids we were pretty evenly matched.

Jungle gym with a climbing wall! Fire pit! Marshmallows! Rachael and Scott thought of everything!

The gaggle of offspring:

I hope I have this right...ages 4, 3.5, 9 months, 3, 14 months, 4.5, and 2.

Since my hair cutting skills took the summer off, Tiger Cub had his second ever "big boy" haircut. Did you know a new haircut could both mature you by two years and slim your midsection?


We had parts of our bathroom redone, like the ugly tile floor and the bathtub. This was us taking the bus to Home Depot. It was much less fun than it looks.

Thanks to bathroom work, we had to get out of our house for a night and decided to make a weekend of it with a stay-cation in Manhattan. I've always thought it would be amazing to live on the Upper West Side so it was fun to play pretend for a few days.

We stayed in a tiny hotel room, did some sightseeing, and watched the Olympics - which might seem like a small thing to those of you who have a TV!

Living the UWS dream...

What's a visit to the UWS without going to the Museum of Natural History?

Celebrating 3.5 years and 9 months! Both kids are at a really nice sweet spot. Tiger Cub is easier to talk to and reason with and Small Bear is mostly a sweet cuddlebug.

And then my good friend Annie (she was my Maid of Honor 10 years ago!) visited. Annie stopped by to see us for a night on her way to Ireland. I was so flattered!

This is us looking exactly like we did for five years of college...