Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Southern Fun

A few weeks ago we went down to GA for the second annual R family vacation.

Last May, when the whole family went to Tennessee, Tiger Cub was just a little tyke, his older cousin was under two, and his younger cousin was still cooking.  This year the three kids under three had a fun time together and the trip was full of adorable moments.

Riding tandem in the double stroller.

Play time in pajamas.

Riding in a bicycle-drawn chariot at Callaway Gardens.  Big Tigerette was an excellent big cousin and held Tiger Cub's hand.

Is it just me or do these two look a little bit alike here?  At least similar expressions.

Happy and proud Grandparents.  Can you blame them?

Driving a golf cart.  Basically everything a toddler could want out of life.

Family portrait at the Callaway butterfly exhibit.

Tiger Cub chasing his favorite animal.

TC was able to spend quality time with his Georgia aunts and uncles too! Unfortunately those precious moments went un-photographed, but we all had a blast.  

Sunday, May 4, 2014

A Tale of Two Springs

This is a summary of two trips to our favorite park, one when Tiger Cub was a tiny two months old and another at a mature 14 months.  Perhaps we'll keep this up for as long as we live here...spring is to pretty to pass up in Bryant Park!  

Bryant Park:  April 2013 vs April 2014

Tiger Cub no longer uses a pacifier but he can pass out from excitement just about anywhere.


He's gone from "I could use a little head support" to "Let me at those steps!"

Lunch is less of a hands-on activity for the supervising adults.

We're still a super adorable family of three and Dad's green polo shirt is still going strong.


What a difference a year makes!