Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Highlights of a Tennessee Vacation

This May we vacationed in the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee with the rest of the R family. We had fun times and did lots of things we almost never get to do, like...

Fly in an Airplane

Taking our 11-week old on a plane wasn't really fantastic for anyone but could have been so much worse.  There was a little fussing and a lot of sleeping, which is better than a lot of fussing and a little sleeping.

"Don't look too happy, you're about to be changing my diaper on the tray table."

Ride in a Car

Tiger Cub spent some time in a car for the first time since the day we brought him home.  And he really loved his cousin's fun toy that stretched across the car seat - so much so that they gave it to us!

So this is how the rest of America travels?  That is sooooo weird!

Hang Out in the Woods

We stayed in a real life log cabin with some amazing views.  Our escape from the concrete jungle found fresh air, trees as far as the eye could see, skies with stars, and only 10 other people in a 5 mile radius (not counting the massive R family).  It had all the amenities that a New Yorker could never take for granted, like decks,  a dining room table, and a grill.  A grill!

Ahh, everything is so green!

Papa and his littlest Yellow Jacket.

Relax and Socialize with Family

Snuggles with GiGi.

Tiger Cub met his older cousin (Tigerette if you will) for the first time.  They did fun things like look at each other through the window.

Nature Walks

Lots of hills, no cars, and a neighborhood peacock made for good walking material.

Eat Barbecue

Real BBQ folks.  Southern BBQ.  Not northern BBQ that pretends to be Southern BBQ.

And with this, our trip was complete!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Have Passport, Will Travel

The Tiger Cub's passport arrived...

                                                                           ...and it couldn't be cuter!

The only thing he's missing is an international destination.

That's not to say he doesn't have eventful summer ahead.  We have trips planned to Tennessee, Georgia, Colorado, and Florida.  All involve air travel and none require a passport.  But you just never know when you might need one.  And don't think we won't be bringing it along just for fun!

We should sign this little jet-setter up for sky miles, no?

First up:  Family vacation in Tennessee starting tomorrow.  Here's to hoping for good behavior and a face that looks like this:

Please don't roll your eyes Mr. Businessman!

The world is your oyster, kiddo.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Fun with Grandpa

Last week our little guy was lucky enough to get a visit from Grandpa.  Randy and I worked much of the week, but as you can see, they had a really big time without us.  

It's hard to beat a mirror for entertainment.

Grandpa and Tiger Cub spent lots of quality time together taking long walks around the neighborhood and picking out treats at every local bakery.

To show you what a difference 9 weeks can make in a baby's life, check out these pics...

February 23 vs. April 30

Since no visit is complete without a field trip to Manhattan...

We ate lunch at a tiny cramped Upper West Side establishment with steps at the entrance and no room for a stroller (yep, that's most restaurants in NYC).  Tiger Cub got passed around while we took turns eating.

Lesson of the day:  Weekday lunchtime is the best time to take a baby to a restaurant.  Far less people to annoy at this time of the day.

Second sit-down restaurant experience (and the first where he reached for the ketchup).

We just knew that Tiger Cub would love and appreciate Central Park (more than last time at least when it was 40 degrees and windy).  And I'm sure he would have enjoyed it if he had bothered to open his eyes even once the entire time.  At least us adults got to enjoy the perfect spring day.

Yes, I was trying to match the trees with my shirt!

And lastly, Tiger Cub says:

Congrats Grandma on winning the Frist Humanitarian Award!  You're the best nurse I know! Can't wait 'til you visit at the end of this month.