A few things have changed around here. For one thing, we no longer travel. Well, not across oceans anyway. For now. Any international posts I have done in the
past year have been catch-up posts from our travels the year before. Yes, there was a time when we traveled so much, our blog couldn't even keep up.
Randy left his pilot job last summer when he was hired as an air traffic controller. It was hard to lose those flight benefits but a positive change for Randy career-wise. I hope we still have international travel in our future, but now we’re going to have to save up money for plane tickets like everyone else!
Randy left his pilot job last summer when he was hired as an air traffic controller. It was hard to lose those flight benefits but a positive change for Randy career-wise. I hope we still have international travel in our future, but now we’re going to have to save up money for plane tickets like everyone else!
And, something more exciting, there won't be just two of us for much longer...
We are expecting a little munchkin in February 2013!
And here's the proof: 4.5 weeks pregnant (we'll consider this the before picture) vs. 13 weeks pregnant. Randy says I don't look particularly thrilled in these pictures but I promise I am! I was just nervous about the profile view.
A couple things you can tell from these pictures:
1. My belly is expanding (among other things).
2. My hair is in desperate need of highlighting. I plan to get on this soon.
3. If I'm not posting bare belly pics now, I guess I never will!
In other pregnancy fun facts, our baby is the size of a medium shrimp this week. So cute! It has quite a bit of growing to do before he/she can come out and wear the adorable outfit pictured above. See if you can see any resemblance: